Yoga is union with the Spirit
Scientific Research Publications
A recent study shows that long-term practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation is associated with larger grey matter volume overall, and with regional enlargement in several right hemispheric cortical and subcortical brain regions that are associated with sustained attention, self-control, compassion and interoceptive perception. The increased grey matter volume in these attention and self-control mediating regions suggests use-dependent enlargement with regular practice of this meditation.
The effects of Sahaja Yoga meditation on human health and physiology
Researching Meditation. Clinical applications in healthcare. Diversity Maganize vol.2, No 5 (June 2001)
Why Meditation? Australian Family Physician Vol. 29, No 12 (December 2000), p. 1135-1138
A Meditative Approach to Menopause. The Weekend Australian, Edition 1, 13 July 2002.
Sahaja yoga in the management of moderate to severe asthma: a randomised controlled trial
Thorax vol. 57, p. 110–115 (2002)
Sahaja Yoga Meditation as a Family Treatment Programme for Children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1359–1045 (200410) 9:4
Effect of Sahaja Yoga meditation and vibrations on the immunological parameters of blood
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference “Moral. Health. Peace: East-West”, St. Petersburg 19-20 September 1995
Effect of Sahaj Yoga on neuro-cognitive functions in patients suffering from major depression
Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Yalta K, et al, Sahaja yoga: A unique adjunctive approach for the management of cardiac arrhythmias?
International Journal of Cardiology (2011)
Non-linear dynamic complexity of the human EEG during meditation
Neuroscience Letters 330 (2002) 143–146
Human anterior and frontal midline theta and lower alpha reflect emotionally positive state and internalized attention: high-resolution EEG investigation of meditation
Neuroscience Letters 310 (2001) 57–60
Effect of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on the Auditory Evoked Potentials (AEP) and Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) in Epileptics
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback Vol. 25 (2000) p. 1-12
Socio-Psychological Study of the Sahaja Yoga Phenomenon
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference “Moral. Health. Peace: East-West”, St. Petersburg 19-20 September 1995
Research on the effect of vibrations in water
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference “Moral. Health. Peace: East-West”, St. Petersburg 19-20 September 1995
• Even though the following article isn’t directly about Sahaja Yoga, it does describe “Sahaja”, which is an ancient concept, with the vision of a psychiatrist
Sahaja: An Indian Ideal of Mental Health
Psychiatry, Vol. 38 (1975) p. 1-10