Yoga is union with the Spirit
Sit in comfort, and properly with both the feet on the ground, with both the hands relaxed palm facing upwards.
Be comfortable, you should not be uncomfortable at all.
Be very comfortable because if you sit for quite some time and you try to put your attention to me, within yourself, if you can, to my Kundalini if you can.
You can come into my Kundalini and it will be done, just like this the hands should be put open on your lap with palm facing upwards, collecting.
So effortlessness is the key word, absolutely effortlessly, whether you are meditating before me, or before my photograph.
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meditation is thoughtless awareness
We cannot meditate; we only can be in meditation. When we say we are going to meditate it has no meaning. We have to be in meditation. Either you are inside the house or outside the house. You cannot be inside the house and then say that: “Now I’m outside the house.” Or when you are outside the house you cannot say: “I’m inside the house.”
In the same way, you are moving in three dimensions of your life – of emotional and physical and mental being. You are not inside yourself.
But when you are inside that you are in thoughtless awareness. Then, not only that you are there, but you are everywhere, because that is the place, that is the point where you are really in universal… From there you are in contact with the Principle, with the Shakti, with the Power that permeates into every particle that is matter, into every thought that is emotion, into every planning and thinking of the whole world. You permeate into all the elements that have created this beautiful Earth. You permeate into earth; you permeate into Akasha [sky, ether], into teja [light], into sound.
Meditation is Efforless
In meditation you have to be absolutely effortless, expose yourself fully to the all pervading power and you have to be absolutely thoughtless at that time.
Effortlessness is the only way to meditation, but you should not be lethargic about it – should be alert and watch it. The other side could be people just doze off. No! You have to be alert. If you doze off, nothing will work. That’s another side of it is. If you are lazy about it, nothing will work. You have to be alert and opened, absolutely aware, completely effortless – absolutely effortless. If you are absolutely effortless, meditation will work the best.
Don’t think of your problems at all, whatever chakras you have, anything. Just expose yourself. See when the sun shines all the nature exposes itself to the sun and receives the blessings of the sun, effortlessly. It doesn’t put in any effort it just receives itself when it receives the sun’s rays then the sun’s ray’s start acting and activating.
So, the same way, the All-Pervading Power starts working. You are not to manoeuvre it. You are not to do anything about it. Just be effortless, absolutely effortless. Don’t take any names. Do not bother if your Agnya is catching, this is catching, that is catching. It is working out. It will go on working as long as it can and it will do the miracle that it has to do. You don’t have to worry about it. It knows its job. But when you put in an effort actually you create a barrier for it. So no effort is needed, be absolutely effortless and say ‘Let it go, let it go’ – that’s all.
Why do we need Meditation
Meditation is for your own ascent, is for your own capital gains that you have to have. But once you get into it, you also achieve your powers. Like, you become a governor then you get the powers of the governor. At this time you don’t have to think about anybody else.
You are not put your attention to anybody else but just receive it, just receive it. Do not think of any other problem, but that, that you have to be effortless, absolutely effortless.
It would work best on the people who are just receiving it. You have problems – that’s why you are here, but you cannot solve them, they are to be solved by Divine Power. This must be understood fully, that we cannot solve our problems. It is beyond us to solve our problems. So leave it in the hands of the Divine Power and expose yourself effortlessly, absolutely effortlessly.