Yoga is union with the Spirit
Cleansing Left Side : Candling
Your left energy channel (called Ida nadi in Sanskrit), also known as the moon channel, begins at the Mooladhara chakra and travels up the left side of your body, terminating in the superego area on the right side of your mind-brain. The superego is the storehouse of all your memories, habits and conditionings. Your superego is also the area of your brain that encourages moral behavior. In most of us, it has to wage war on our more selfish, pleasure seeking urges in the process.
Joy is an essential quality associated with the left energy channel. As adults, we long for this joy, though we don’t often find it. It may become blocked or “bruised” by some of our life experiences. However, it still lives within us and can be awakened through meditation.

If you have a problem with your left energy channel, you may experience emotional extremes. This includes moods that shift rapidly from elation to depression and back again. You may also experience lethargy and extreme passivity. Most of us have suffered the occasional “couch potato” day. Remember the lack of energy and desire you felt as you sat around, doing nothing at all? That feeling may have been caused by a problem with your left energy channel.
In summary, your left energy channel influences your emotions, feelings and desires. It is also connected to your memories and past experiences. As long as your emotions stay at normal levels, you’ll do just fine. However, if you’re feeling extremes of emotion such as depression, gloominess and brooding, then it’s time to do something about it.
All you need to start clearing your left channel is meditation. Sahaja Yoga technique of Candling is easy, safe and helps immensely to renew feelings of joy and energy..
Candling Treatment
There are many forms of treatments using candles. Each of the treatment should be done as a meditation or part of a meditation. Observe and asses the impact of each methods.
Candle should be used only for the LEFT side
Don’t do this treatment if wearing loose cloths or near any combustible materials
Take great care.
Meditate with a photograph of Shri Mataji, light a candle in front Her photograph.

Basic Method
Sit the same way as when you balance your left side, left hand towards the photo, and keep a burning candle in front of your left hand.
Press your right hand on Mother Earth, which sucks in all the negativity and stress.

Clearing the left side
Sit for meditation with the LEFT hand upward towards the photograph.
Using your RIGHT hand, move a lit candle, in a candle holder, up and down your LEFT side.

Clearing chakras
Sit for meditation, with a burning candle give bandhans ALWAYS CLOCKWISE (from the point of view of someone looking at you : Up->Right->Down->Left) to the affected chakras on the left side.
You can do this for seven or twenty-one rotations until you feel benefit.

Method for the Agnya
Look through the candle flame at Shri Mataji’s photograph, first with the left eye, then with the right eye, then with both eyes.
Light element clears obstructions in Agnya Chakra (6th Chakra)

Method for the left Swadhistan
Use a candle behind your left Swadisthana Chakra while meditating.

Hot water footsoak
You can use hot water(temperature bearable) for footsoaking with a candle lit in front of the photograph of Shri Mataji.