When Christ is born within us
I bow today to the seekers of truth. From the very beginning, I have to say, that I would like to address to all those who are really...

Ushering In The Satya Yuga
Human beings have various sources through which he constructs the picture of God Almighty. His ideas about truth are also based on these...

Ego and Super Ego
Man is still in a transitional stage. Little more he has to jump and he becomes that, for which he has been created. Human brain and...

Lecture on Meaning of Yoga
“Saha” means with; “Ja” means born, Sahaja, is something that is born with you, that is innately built in you that sprouts by itself in...

William Blake and Sahaja Yoga
Fourteen thousand years back in India the originator of the astrology in India called as Brighu Muni has predicted that such a system...

Sahaja Yoga, a unique discovery
Man in his search of joy and happiness is running away from his Self, which is the real source of joy. He finds himself very ugly and...

Newspaper Interview with Stan Bostock
Newspaper Interview before the up-coming USA Tour with Stan Bostock published in Zireus on May 1983 The aim was to talk to Shri Mataji...

Spirit is like the Sun
Joy has no duality. It does not have happiness and unhappiness. It should never be confused with pleasures. Because the pleasure that...

All about the first energy center.
The first center in Sanskrit is called as Mooladhara chakra and Kundalini which is the resident consciousness in the triangular bone...

Too much thinking causes Diabetes.
Now, many people believe sugar gives you diabetes - it is not true. Sugar doesn't give you diabetes. What gives diabetes is too much...