Holy Ghost is Kundalini
Actually people don’t know anything about Holy Ghost and we didn’t give Christ much chance to speak about it. He could only speak for...

Kundalini and Jesus Christ
The subject “Shri Kundalini Shakti and Shri Jesus Christ” is very attractive and interesting. It is altogether a new subject for the...

Thoughtless Awareness Explained
I bow to all the seekers of truth. I do not know how to thank the mayor of Oakland and mayor of Berkeley for being so kind to give this...

Time to Prove the Existence of God
I bow to all the seekers of truth. We have to realize that there’s something gone wrong with humanity. We have come to a level of...

Self Realization is Baptism
The knowledge, gyana, is useless without yoga, without the union with the Divine. When you get the yoga, also, when you are realised, you...

A psychiatrist's experience of Transcendental Meditation(TM)
Dr Rustom Bujorjee: Yoga, is to take you to God, and any form of meditation, which doesn’t do that is obviously not true. Now we have...

Dangers of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is actually the tapping of the power which is already within us. Now for example, you have a certain power in your stomach, ...

Medical Conference, Bucharest, Romania
So all the professors, the Vice Chancellor who was so kind to invite Me here to talk to you about something which is very different, I...
Importance of Mother Earth
Below is a beautiful speech given by Shri Mataji in Holland on the importance of Mother Earth and how when we develop the qualities of...

The Mooladhara Chakra
The first chakra found below the sacrum bone where resides the abode of mother Kundalini is called as mooladhara chakra which basically...