Yoga is union with the Spirit
United Earth Organization
Claes Nobel, Chairman of United Earth Organization, Grandnephew of Alfred Nobel, Nobel Prize Founder
“Shri Mataji's discovery brings genuine hope to humanity. ”
Su Casa, Methadone To Abstinence Residence
Denise Donovant, MA, Assistant Director, MTAR Lower Eastside Service Center, New York City
"The utilization of meditation for the detoxification process is new at Su Casa. We are surprised and pleased with the consistent voluntary attendance that the meditation program has attracted. While the therapeutic community approach often makes use of mandatory participation of groups, this group has carried it's own weight and we intend to continue the positive collaboration at our place of residential care.
Rikers Island
Maria Gerena, Captain R.A.P. Unit Rikers Island Correctional Facility, New York City, Department of Corrections
“...the inmate population would constantly approach me regarding the stress level being reduced due to their learned meditation. You were very reliable and an asset to my facility..”
The National Institutes of Health
George Patrick, Ph.D. Chief, Recreation Therapy, Rehabilitation Department, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD US Department of Health and Human Services
“I want you to know that many of our patients who serve as research participants in our Clinical Center have benefited from practicing Sahaja Yoga. We have been graced by a couple of excellent teachers in this last year … in introducing your meditative techniques to our patients on Wednesdays and many of our staff have been weekly participants on Fridays. I thank you for making available this effective method for enhancing health and peacefulness.”
William Cullen Bryant High School
Thalia Stylianou William Cullen Bryant High School, New York City
"Your commitment to raise the students' awareness about the ills of stress as a deterrent to drug use was very evident as students and staff reached out and actively participated to learn more about Sahaja Yoga Meditation... Thank you for enhancing our school community with a very positive way to stay stress free."